Transparency Testing wants to help embolden your project and provide the resources you need, through training, tools, and spectral data for improved analysis of classic and novel substances.
Spectral Libraries
We’ve created spectral libraries for FTIR and NMR testing, and we are happy to provide your organization with these resources free of charge. We can provide an FTIR library in Thermo Fisher/Omnic, Bruker/Opus, as well as individual spectral files in .JDX format.
If your team uses a system by a different manufacturer, we can also work with you to create a library that is tailor-made for your system. As of June 2023, our library contains 150+ spectra and is constantly being updated. If you work with benchtop NMR, we can provide you with a novel solution for identifying and quantifying substances automatically using the CosmicTruth software. Contact us for more information!
Harm Reduction Advisory & Consultation
Whether your harm reduction project is brand new, or you’re an established organization, we are happy to help with guidance on how to get started or how to grow your project. We provide training for teams at all stages, and consultation on helping your vision come to life!
Want to know more? Contact us here.